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June 22, 2012


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Nicole Maki


All of these are so beautiful.

I love what you've done in the old books.

I need to warm up before i paint too but I usually just make a mess on manilla tags. This is lovely!

Becky from

I would say you are definitely an Art Journaler! These are amazing.


I would say that coming across such a doodle in a gifted book would be an amazing find.This is the type of art that makes we wish I could pick up pen and paper and let the creative juices flow.I love them all They are adorable and put a smile on my face.

Patricia Eaton

Cynthia, Yes, I expect you ARE an art journaler!! And, what a fantastic one you are! I love what you have created here...what a great idea! Your 'doodles' are so fresh and wonderful...I may try this myself because you've introduced sewing into the mix...something I dearly love. Stay cool these hot summer days and ENJOY what you do. pat

Lynette (NZ)

LOVE these doodles - especially love that you are adding stitch. Such fun

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