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January 15, 2011


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Wow, Cynthia, so lovely! The bookmark is a cutie. So you live in Southern California. I lived there a few years ago, but I wasn't interested in crafts at that time (fortunately, otherwise I wouldn't be able to finish my dissertation!). Look, I blogged about your course here:
The post is in Portuguese, but you can get the gist of it by looking at the photos, or, even better, if you can understand Spanish (Portuguese and Spanish are pretty much alike, but I must warn you that can be tricky sometimes).
Have a nice Sunday!

Thanks for sharing this! What a beautiful look that is! LOVE it.


Hi Cynthia,

These are beautiful! Winnie and Piglet are my absolute favorites.
Your application of color and mixed media enhances the original art, without being distracting. It is as if your additions were part of the originals all along. I adore these.

Kathy Petrovich

I am in such awe when I see your creations! I have the set of pooh books like the one you used,thanks to a quick grab at a thrift shop! Keep designing and sharing, you are such an inspiration!


lovely...thank you much for sharing the step by step!

Kris Kozak

Piglet is my fav....and thats really all I can say because there are no words for how much I love this.

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